Monday, October 3, 2011


These past two weeks I have been performing the show Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat by Andrew Lloyd Weber with a spectacular cast at Wesleyan. I have found a whole new family in these people, these theatre folk. A family can be defined as many things, including a group of people united in criminal activity (which I suppose is sometimes true), but the family I am talking about is a group of people that love and accept each other, build each other up and work together to reach the end product; a spectacular show. 
I was blessed to be a part of such a family for the past month and a half, and will continue to be a part of the Wesleyan theatre family for the next four years. It is amazing how the support of other people can make us feel so good. 
I am suffering from and enlarged heel bone which causes tendonitis. Not life-threatening by any means, but painful. I received so much support throughout the show, from people I had just met.
These people are already so special to me. We don't believe the same things, look the same way, practice the same lifestyles, and yet we come together to do magnificent things. 
I thank God for the opportunity to know these people. An opportunity to practice unconditional love and acceptance in my everyday life. Things won't always be hunky-dory, but I know that here at Wesleyan I have a tremendous support group in my friends. 

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