Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning I will be 19. Yikes! I still remember sixth grade when Val and I would talk about growing up, I didn't know it was coming so quickly. All I can think about right now is all the things that make me who I am. Faith, family, friends, music, and theatre. 
This year is going to be so special. I started college -- again with the YIKES! -- and love it. I thought it was going to be so much easier to just be myself though. I want so badly to have the confidence I used to have in myself, the motivation, the "oomph." I don't really know when I lost it, but I used to be so excited about everything. Ya, depression sucks, and it's sure not easy to get over. It seems that people and events just bring you right down so easily. 
I need my passion back. The way for me to do this is dedicate my nineteenth year completely to God. I need to secure myself in his enduring love. To know that He has a plan for me. This is my year to let God be in complete control. For this year I'm not going to date or worry about the superficial things of life. This year I'm going to give it all for God. It's going to be a great year, full of the struggles that come with life, and the trials that arise daily, but I am determined to let God take it all away. He loves me. Isn't that enough for all of us? So for today, I'm merely going to focus on the song "Jesus Loves Me."
"Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong."
I don't have to be strong. I can still be a little child of Christ. I will read the Bible, and pray, and really strengthen my relationship with Christ because I am loved. 

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