Monday, July 4, 2011

Starting Over Again

Wow, I had such dedication...for about a month. This time it should be different. 

I just got back from Summer Games Georgia 2011. It was yet another wonderful experience. I was enabled to grow closer to God while working for His children. He is such an amazing God. 

For the past couple weeks I have been reading the Bible chronologically. It has been such an eye-opening experience. I have learned historical context while enhancing my knowledge of God's great works. 

I have fallen in love with the words of Moses in Deuteronomy 32. It is a song Moses recited for the entire community of Israel just before his death. There is such praise and teaching within this chapter. 
4 He is the Rock; his deeds are perfect. Everything he does is just and fair. He is a faithful God who does no wrong; how just and upright he is!
How true, everything that God does is perfect and planned. Think about the implications that come with this. How can we as a people blame God for something? 

I have a dear friend who recently lost his father to cancer. This was a time of trial and doubt. "How could God do this to me?" was a common question. After a time of mourning, he realized what God had done in his life. His faith was renewed and he saw all that his father had done in his final days. All of the love shared outweighed the sorrow. The promise of a painless eternity served as a reminder of God's mighty acts. 

At times it seems that God puts so much on our plates. The weight of the world is on our shoulders. We must then remember that sometimes God sends us to our knees, but He is always there to pick us back up. There is a plan and a purpose in everything God does, sometimes we fail to see it immediately, or even at all, but through His actions our lives are changed. 

As we struggle and find hardships in our life, remember to lean upon the Rock. He is strong, mighty, and willing to take our burdens. 

Lord, I pray that you help me to let down my barriers and rest my heavy load upon your Shoulders. You are the Rock of our Salvation, a Strong Tower that I run to in times of trouble. Allow me to remember you, Lord in everything I do, and to see your Mighty Hand working in everything that You do. Amen.

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