Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Friends are Friends Forever.

As I have been reading my bible, chronologically as some of y'all may know, I have been amazed at the examples of friendship that God provides in his word. I have made it to the end of 1 Samuel and I was truly struck by the power and commitment of Jonathan and David's friendship. 

Jonathan, son of King Saul, was the 'heir' to the throne, at least in the eyes of his father. But because Saul had turned from the Lord, the Lord was no longer with him. God had chosen David, a youngest son, to be the new king. If you think about it, shouldn't Jonathan be jealous of David? I mean David is destined to 'take' something that should belong to Jonathan. The situation is so that in our world, these two should not be friends, but this is the power of God. 

Jonathan protects David from his own father. The two of them make a vow of friendship, and renewed that vow before the Lord in times of trouble.
"16 So Jonathan made a solemn pact with David, saying, "May the Lord destroy all your enemies!" 17 And Jonathan made David reaffirm his vow of friendship again, for Jonathan loved David as he loved himself." 1 Samuel 20
Jonathan loved David as he loved himself. What a powerful love that was. We all need a friendship like that of David and Jonathan. One that builds and protects, one that nurtures and strengthens, one that loves unselfishly and unconditionally. God places people like this in our lives to remind us of His love, and His friendship. Even when we feel completely alone or cut off from others in this world, there is a friend that never leaves us. His name is Jesus Christ. He knew our name before we had a name. He loved us in our sin. He died a painful death on a cross, crucified so we could live eternally with Him. What a love, what a friendship. 

Lord remind us of your unending love. Show us how You are around us in everything that we do, providing us with a friendship more strong and powerful than that of David and Jonathan. I praise you for all that you have done in and through me. Thank you for your love and friendship. Amen.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Last week I spent time at Summer Games Georgia. This is such a wonderful camp for me. I am enabled to share God's love to youth and to receive God's love from all of those around me. Our theme this year was "Found." What a word. 

We looked at the story of the prodigal son for most of the week (Luke 15:11-32). We saw the joy the father had as his child was returning home. The father welcomed his younger son home with open arms, throwing a feast to celebrate his return. What a wonderful welcome!

When I read this story I am always struck by the reaction of the older brother. It seems to me that he has some good points. He worked hard while his younger brother was away having fun and squandering his inheritance. Can any of you relate to that? A time when you did all the work and it seemed as if someone else was rewarded? I know I used to relate more to the older brother in this story. It appeared to me as if I was working hard to win God's affection, and other's received it so easily. How could someone's faith outweigh my works?

What I failed to see is that "my" works aren't important; God's works in and through me are what truly matters. Without works, faith is dead; but without faith, what can we really do? 

God doesn't want us to be like the older brother. He only went through the motions, never loving his father or understanding his father's love. The story of the prodigal son does not encourage us to run away and waste ourselves on reckless living either. Instead it shows us how God is willing and ready to forgive us of our sins. God welcomes us home, with open and loving arms. He wants us to return to Him. Sometimes He just wants us to see His enduring presence in our lives. But above all, He loves us, just the way we are. He has found us and is waiting for us to recognize Him. 

"32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." Luke 15
God, I pray that in everything we do, you may be glorified. Help us to remember that we are unworthy of your love, but you give it to us freely. Allow us to know you are always waiting to embrace us as we come home and sometimes even carry us along the way. Thank you for your amazing love, Lord, and all the blessings you have bestowed upon us. You are a great and powerful God that knows each of us by name. I love you. Amen

Monday, July 4, 2011

Starting Over Again

Wow, I had such dedication...for about a month. This time it should be different. 

I just got back from Summer Games Georgia 2011. It was yet another wonderful experience. I was enabled to grow closer to God while working for His children. He is such an amazing God. 

For the past couple weeks I have been reading the Bible chronologically. It has been such an eye-opening experience. I have learned historical context while enhancing my knowledge of God's great works. 

I have fallen in love with the words of Moses in Deuteronomy 32. It is a song Moses recited for the entire community of Israel just before his death. There is such praise and teaching within this chapter. 
4 He is the Rock; his deeds are perfect. Everything he does is just and fair. He is a faithful God who does no wrong; how just and upright he is!
How true, everything that God does is perfect and planned. Think about the implications that come with this. How can we as a people blame God for something? 

I have a dear friend who recently lost his father to cancer. This was a time of trial and doubt. "How could God do this to me?" was a common question. After a time of mourning, he realized what God had done in his life. His faith was renewed and he saw all that his father had done in his final days. All of the love shared outweighed the sorrow. The promise of a painless eternity served as a reminder of God's mighty acts. 

At times it seems that God puts so much on our plates. The weight of the world is on our shoulders. We must then remember that sometimes God sends us to our knees, but He is always there to pick us back up. There is a plan and a purpose in everything God does, sometimes we fail to see it immediately, or even at all, but through His actions our lives are changed. 

As we struggle and find hardships in our life, remember to lean upon the Rock. He is strong, mighty, and willing to take our burdens. 

Lord, I pray that you help me to let down my barriers and rest my heavy load upon your Shoulders. You are the Rock of our Salvation, a Strong Tower that I run to in times of trouble. Allow me to remember you, Lord in everything I do, and to see your Mighty Hand working in everything that You do. Amen.