Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What a day.

Geez! It's been quite the day today, but in a good way. It seems there isn't enough energy for all that I want to do! But I made it through most of the day.

I'm playing the role of Katrin in my high school's production of I Remember Mama. It's a great play, fun and sad all at the same time. My character is a bit dramatic.. Yes I believe I was typecasted. Katrin is very innocent, a little naive to be honest, but good-hearted. She grows up a lot during the play, realizing what is really important in life. It made me think. Have I grown up in the faith?

Faith like a child is a gift, and I'm not saying that's bad. I'm talking about being more responsible when it comes to my faith. For instance, making a conscience effort to pray throughout the entire day, or reading my bible every night. Acting like a real Christian with unconditional love, acceptance, kindness, and humility. That's a lot more of a challenge then just saying "I believe." But why is that so hard? Why can't we really let our lives go?

Well, if your anything like me, you're a control freak. You like things your way, on your time, or you don't do them. That gets in the way of how God is supposed to work in our lives. God wants us to give Him all of our struggles, pain, tears, heart-ache, and sorrow.

Life isn't perfect. If yours is, you're delusional. We all have good days and bad days, and no matter what, we need to lift that up to the Lord. He is our strong tower, our defender, our protector, our Father.

I struggle everyday to let God have it all, but I'll get there. I have to let go of all of the things I fret over and just let God take care of me. So the next time you have a bad day, turn to God first. On  your next good day, praise God for His blessings.

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