Monday, September 20, 2010

Here We Go!

Hey guys and gals! So here goes nothing..
This is new to me, but fun and exciting. So basically I'm one of those people that loves to talk, hence the transfer to this. I love music and theatre, especially the two combined! Musicals are my thing, much to the dismay of my family... I'm crazy and easily excited, one of those annoyingly happy people. I even admit to it. Sometimes I'm sulky and sad, but that's just one of those things that comes with being an 'artist.'

So because I'm really joyful today, I'm going to talk about making a joyful noise.
   "Clap your hands all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy." Psalm 47:1
For the past few weeks I've faced struggles that kept me from doing what I truly love the most; praising the Lord my God through song and dance. I go to a United Methodist Church, and it's a struggle to get a little bit of clapping going during the songs on Sunday. Well, that's not really how I roll, I clap and jump and dance and sing and shout, I mean, I really get into it. And all too often in our lives we take that backseat approach. We merely mouth the words to the songs instead of putting our hearts into it. This is so silly! I know I'm guilty, especially recently, and why would I want to live that way. Life is exciting and fun, but oh so precious. It's short and speeds right along so we need to live each moment to the fullest. A little cliche, I know but it really speaks to my soul right now.
In the words of a great friend, "JESUS PARTY!!!" Let the world hear your praises through your mere being. God loves us all so much, why not?

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