Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's Hear It for the Boy

Long time.. Life gets crazy doesn't it? Well I'm in the mood for praisin the Lord right about now! He's working so well in my life. 
God graced me with a vision and calling of creating a youth worship service in my church. I felt led to start something where the youth of today can express their spirituality safely while having oodles of fun. But this is just the starting point. 
God gave me the help and support of my friends to get the ball rolling. It started out with about five of us, but didn't stop there. Our idea was accepted at the church and has exploded. Last meeting we doubled in size, and hope to do it once again.
God is good. He has also helped with the necessary healing within my life. For the longest time I had this anger and bitterness for the church, but God took my strife and used it in other's lives. I never recognized the power of weakness, but God wants to take our iniquities and make them tools for touching others.
So basically, I'm happy! All the time, because God has my problems, and they are no longer mine to bother with. My life isn't perfect, or easier, but it has meaning and most importantly peace!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh, technology...

So, dear computer and Internet connection, you frustrated me. This whole not working thing isn't very nice or cooperative. But I feel this is a good lesson in patience..

When we pray for patience, God graciously gives us opportunities to be patient. This must be the week for that.
It's our homecoming week at school, which means everyone is out of control and nothing gets done. I feel if we took a survey about the productivity of students during celebration weeks, adults would be appalled. Today, I witnessed a couple of immature students wandering the halls during fourth hour. They continually turned off the lights in the hallway next to where my All-State group was practicing. We would go out and turn them back on, but the came back continually and turned the lights off. Now had they merely been mischievous, turning the lights off, I would have been able to handle them. But instead they decided it would be a good idea to make lots of noise and be truly annoying. So I went out and told them to get to class before the administration was called. I was then asked if I was a teacher, I asked them what they thought, they did not answer, just turned off the lights one more time and scampered away. Now I was not treated with much respect for getting after this delinquents, I was flipped off by them multiple times throughout the day, trying my patience even further.
Now if I had less control, I would have busted my butt over there and threw a couple punches. Thankfully, I was able to control myself. I laughed at my self because I got so worked up about a silly thing, but I guess today was one of the days.
In 2 Timothy 4:2 it says:
"Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction."
God charges us to be patience at all times, even when we don't think we have much. So maybe don't pray for patience, but accept all of the opportunities to be patient because they can be good ways to share the Gospel and the Word of the Lord.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What a day.

Geez! It's been quite the day today, but in a good way. It seems there isn't enough energy for all that I want to do! But I made it through most of the day.

I'm playing the role of Katrin in my high school's production of I Remember Mama. It's a great play, fun and sad all at the same time. My character is a bit dramatic.. Yes I believe I was typecasted. Katrin is very innocent, a little naive to be honest, but good-hearted. She grows up a lot during the play, realizing what is really important in life. It made me think. Have I grown up in the faith?

Faith like a child is a gift, and I'm not saying that's bad. I'm talking about being more responsible when it comes to my faith. For instance, making a conscience effort to pray throughout the entire day, or reading my bible every night. Acting like a real Christian with unconditional love, acceptance, kindness, and humility. That's a lot more of a challenge then just saying "I believe." But why is that so hard? Why can't we really let our lives go?

Well, if your anything like me, you're a control freak. You like things your way, on your time, or you don't do them. That gets in the way of how God is supposed to work in our lives. God wants us to give Him all of our struggles, pain, tears, heart-ache, and sorrow.

Life isn't perfect. If yours is, you're delusional. We all have good days and bad days, and no matter what, we need to lift that up to the Lord. He is our strong tower, our defender, our protector, our Father.

I struggle everyday to let God have it all, but I'll get there. I have to let go of all of the things I fret over and just let God take care of me. So the next time you have a bad day, turn to God first. On  your next good day, praise God for His blessings.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Here We Go!

Hey guys and gals! So here goes nothing..
This is new to me, but fun and exciting. So basically I'm one of those people that loves to talk, hence the transfer to this. I love music and theatre, especially the two combined! Musicals are my thing, much to the dismay of my family... I'm crazy and easily excited, one of those annoyingly happy people. I even admit to it. Sometimes I'm sulky and sad, but that's just one of those things that comes with being an 'artist.'

So because I'm really joyful today, I'm going to talk about making a joyful noise.
   "Clap your hands all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy." Psalm 47:1
For the past few weeks I've faced struggles that kept me from doing what I truly love the most; praising the Lord my God through song and dance. I go to a United Methodist Church, and it's a struggle to get a little bit of clapping going during the songs on Sunday. Well, that's not really how I roll, I clap and jump and dance and sing and shout, I mean, I really get into it. And all too often in our lives we take that backseat approach. We merely mouth the words to the songs instead of putting our hearts into it. This is so silly! I know I'm guilty, especially recently, and why would I want to live that way. Life is exciting and fun, but oh so precious. It's short and speeds right along so we need to live each moment to the fullest. A little cliche, I know but it really speaks to my soul right now.
In the words of a great friend, "JESUS PARTY!!!" Let the world hear your praises through your mere being. God loves us all so much, why not?