Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's Hear It for the Boy

Long time.. Life gets crazy doesn't it? Well I'm in the mood for praisin the Lord right about now! He's working so well in my life. 
God graced me with a vision and calling of creating a youth worship service in my church. I felt led to start something where the youth of today can express their spirituality safely while having oodles of fun. But this is just the starting point. 
God gave me the help and support of my friends to get the ball rolling. It started out with about five of us, but didn't stop there. Our idea was accepted at the church and has exploded. Last meeting we doubled in size, and hope to do it once again.
God is good. He has also helped with the necessary healing within my life. For the longest time I had this anger and bitterness for the church, but God took my strife and used it in other's lives. I never recognized the power of weakness, but God wants to take our iniquities and make them tools for touching others.
So basically, I'm happy! All the time, because God has my problems, and they are no longer mine to bother with. My life isn't perfect, or easier, but it has meaning and most importantly peace!